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At Broad Square our intent is to provide every child with a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum in physical education and sport.  We have carefully selected the REAL PE scheme to support our teaching in physical education.  REAL PE is a unique and child centred approach that challenges and supports every child. We aim to develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills which underpin not just activity and sport but are transferable skills that support whole school development.  We make cross curricular links when purposeful and ensure that every child has the opportunity to compete in intra competitions.  We are committed to ensuring the children are active for 30 minutes a day.  We have strategically planned activities around the school day to ensure we achieve this. At Broad Square we as a team ensure that all sporting activities are suited to the children’s current interests.  Promoting a healthy lifestyle is very important to us. We teach our pupils the importance of a healthy mind as well as a healthy body.  This is promoted throughout our school in our curriculum.


At Broad Square we ensure that the pupils receive high quality PE lessons and have structured coaching for sporting activities.  Each lesson is carefully planned.  Key objectives are outlined at the beginning of every lesson.  Key vocabulary is discussed with the pupils with the expectation that this is used by the pupils in lessons. We openly discuss our own strengths and weakness in our class and work on ways to develop our skills together.  The pupils in KS2 work towards coaching and planning their own warm-ups for lessons.  Each lesson consists of a warm up, skill, skill application and review.  We promote an inclusive attitude to physical education and sport to ensure we look after the well-being of all our pupils.

As an inclusive school, we strive to ensure that all pupils are able to access a broad and balanced Physical Education curriculum offer. Pupils with SEND are supported within lessons to ensure that a ceiling is not put on their learning.  Where adaptations are necessary, these are planned carefully by the teacher to ensure that each pupil has rigour within their curriculum. 


Physical education in Broad Square is carefully monitored, this is achieved through lesson observations and reviewing planning.  Reports to governors are written twice a year to outline achievements and areas for development.  Our impact is measured by how the pupils progress through the skills and use them to underpin the skills needed to compete in intra and inter level competitions.  We aim for all pupils leaving in year 6 to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.  Our pupils will aim to complete this without undue stress; the swim will be continuous without touching the side or the bottom of the pool; the stroke will be as strong at the end as it was at the beginning of the swim.  Our pupils will use a range of strokes for a range of purposes  and intended outcomes (for example head up front crawl for water polo, breaststroke legs for treading water) 

Pupils leave Broad Square with the skills and knowledge required to achieve a well-balanced and healthy life beyond their time at Broad Square.

Contact us

  • Broad Square Primary School
    Broad Square
    L11 1BS

  • 0151 226 1117