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We believe that experiential learning is incredibly important for our pupils. It allows them to have new experiences and apply their knowledge if a different context. It also allows them to develop their confidence and interact socially with others.

Trips and visitors are carefully mapped out to enable a broad range of curriculum areas to be covered and build children’s cultural capital. Visits take place throughout the year and are chosen specifically to enhance learning taking place within the classroom. Teachers are passionate about bringing subjects alive, be it through visits to museums, art galleries, places of worship or the local farm! Look out for photos on our X (formally known as Twitter) feed to see some of the places we have been to recently…


Alongside our trips beyond the classroom, we enjoy welcoming visitors into school to share their knowledge, skills and experiences with the children. Our pupils enjoy the opportunity to ask questions, look at objects of significance and discuss their ideas with visitors. Encouraging this inquisitiveness and interest in other people helps to shape our Broad Square children into compassionate future citizens who have a good understanding of community.


We run residential holidays in Year 6, this year we will be visiting Barnstondale on the Wirral. Residentials are incredibly beneficial for children’s physical and mental health and allow them to build confidence in themselves. The broad range of activities offered enables children to develop skills beyond the classroom and above and beyond the core offer of the National Curriculum. Each year children amaze themselves with their successes and bond over shared memories round the camp fire!

Contact us

  • Broad Square Primary School
    Broad Square
    L11 1BS

  • 0151 226 1117