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Our school values underpin the science curriculum.








At Broad Square Primary School, we encourage the children to develop a sense of wonder about natural phenomena. We hope to develop the children’s ideas and challenge their thinking through a stimulating, engaging and challenging environment.

Our curriculum is ambitious for all pupils and is progressively planned and well sequenced. It has been designed to meet the needs for all our children. We deliver activities that meet the requirements of the National Curriculum/Early Learning Goals in a way that challenges them to fulfil their potential.

Our pupils are encouraged to develop and use a range of working scientifically skills, including questioning, researching and observing for themselves. We want our children to have a broad vocabulary, therefore scientific language is taught and built upon as topics are revisited.



Staff cover the 2014 National Curriculum programmes of study for Science and Understanding of the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage. All learning and activities are planned to be accessible to all learners. As an inclusive school, we strive to ensure that all pupils are able to access a broad and balanced science curriculum offer. Pupils with SEND are supported within lessons to ensure that a ceiling is not put on their learning. This is achieved through regular retrieval activities, over learning of vocabulary and different ways of recording evidence of learning. Where adaptations are necessary, these are planned carefully by the teacher to ensure that each pupil has rigour within their curriculum.

At the start of each topic, teachers take time to find out what our children already understand.

Key scientific language is modelled throughout lessons enabling our children to be familiar with and use vocabulary accurately. Teachers are also encouraged to plan trips and visitors to enhance their learning experience. Attainment is tracked through Insight online pupil trackers against National Curriculum expectations and Working Scientifically skills.



The successful approach to the teaching of science at Broad Square Primary School will result in an engaging and high-quality science education.  We believe pupils will achieve a secure vocabulary which will enable them to confidently express their understanding of a range of concepts.

Assessment is teacher based and formed using formal strategies (e.g., year group assessment tasks, quizzes) and informal strategies (Use of concept maps, verbal/written outcomes, reflection tasks/presentations). Formative assessment is used as the main tool for assessing the impact of science as it allows for misconceptions and gaps to be addressed more immediately rather than building on insecure scientific foundations.

The impact of this is to not only ensure our children gain the appropriate age-related knowledge but provide them with a set of skills that will be useful to them as they develop as individuals. Pupils will make good progress in their acquisition of skills, knowledge and conceptual understanding. Our children will feel empowered to pursue Science and STEM subjects as a potential career path, regardless of background.



Contact us

  • Broad Square Primary School
    Broad Square
    L11 1BS

  • 0151 226 1117