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Reception Offer Day - April 2024

If you have been offered a place at Broad Square Primary School for Reception 2024, please email to accept or decline the place as soon as you receive the offer.

Please scan or take a photograph of:

  1. your proof of address and
  2. your child’s passport or birth certificate

Please attach these documents to your acceptance email.

Admission to Nursery

Nursery Places will be allocated and offered before the end of May via post or email if you have applied directly to us.

If you wish your child to attend this nursery, you should arrange to complete an admission form, available from the school office.

The order in which children will be admitted into nursery based on the following criteria:

  • LAC children
  • Siblings in the school
  • Distance from the school

Admission to our nursery is not a guarantee of a Reception school place and a Local Authority application form must be completed.

In order to attend nursery your child must be three years old.

Children are generally admitted to nursery in the September following their third birthday.  The children are admitted gradually over a period of days to enable them to settle in and for staff to get to know them.  You will be informed of the starting date for your child via a letter.

Admission to Reception

All applications for a place in reception are via Liverpool Education Authority by completing the online application form.

In year Transfer

If you wish to enquire about an in year transfer into Broad Square you should contact the Local Authority, who will pass on your details to the school.  You are welcome to telephone the school to enquire about spaces in your child's year group.


Contact us

  • Broad Square Primary School
    Broad Square
    L11 1BS

  • 0151 226 1117