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The Governing Board of Broad Square Primary School is made up of volunteers from the local and wider community, plus the Headteacher and Deputy Head, other members of the school's Senior Leadership team, a member of staff, and two parent/carer governors who are elected by the parent/carer body. The role of the Governing Board is defined in its constitution.

Governors carry out their roles and responsibilities through committees. There are three committees. These are:

  • Full Governing Board
  • Finance and Resources
  • Pay and Performance

The main work of the governing Board is outlined below:

  • Supporting the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership team in setting and reviewing the school's aims, policies and strategic direction, and meeting the challenges of running the school
  • Undertaking the Headteacher’s performance management and monitoring the impact of staff appraisal
  • Monitoring the well-being of pupils & staff
  • Supporting school leaders` vision for improving the standards of learning, teaching and pupil achievement
  • Agreeing the school’s budget and monitoring the impact of expenditure on the quality of teaching, pupil achievement and the learning environment
  • Supporting the appointment of all staff
  • Getting to know the school well and being ambassadors for it in the community
  • Dealing with complaints about school

Governors do not manage the school; professionals are employed to do this. Governors provide support and challenge and hold the school to account. Governors sign a Code of Conduct each year which outlines our responsibilities and the values and principles of undertaking a public service.

From September 2021-July 2022 we all faced the continuing challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. In September 22 school returned to normal operation and the 2022-23 school year began positively with a new Headteacher and new optimism and energy infusing school life.

Parents, carers and the children have been amazing, showing determination and extraordinary resilience. The Senior Leadership team, in partnership with the staff and parents/carers, continue to monitor the children's wellbeing to ensure that the pandemic does not have a lasting impact on their progress in learning or on their enjoyment of life. School remains a happy and stimulating environment where children can grow and learn.

The 23/24 school year began with the same optimism and energy which is clearly evident when you visit the school but also when you look at the school website, which shows some of the exciting opportunities which help the children to develop socially and personally as well as academically. I said it in the last paragraph - the children are amazing and have great resilience. They are enthusiastic and eager to learn and are making great progress in learning.  The staff are enormously hard-working, creative, energetic, committed and have the interests of the children, whom they know very well, at the heart of everything they do.


Jean Sloan

Chair of Governors

1st December 2023


Contact us

  • Broad Square Primary School
    Broad Square
    L11 1BS

  • 0151 226 1117